We seek to incubate small, risk-taking entrepreneurs cracking the world’s hardest nuts with the capital and expertise of our diverse, cross disciplinary team of technology and business experts.

We bet on the dark horse. Not American Pharaoh (2015), but Apollo (1982). Not California Chrome (2014), but Donerail (1913). We are risk underwriters for small entrepreneurs solving underserved, overlooked, and tough problems; supporters of unconventional ideas and passionate leaders.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam, Hannibal, the great Carthaginian military commander, once said. I shall either find a way or make one. We invest in creative problem-solving dreamers who—instead of leading elephants over the Alps—follow in his footsteps by democratizing access to tools, technology, and expertise. 

We seek a focused partnership with like-minded teams who are willing to put their skin in the game, and ensure all members of the DHV Holdings ecosystem—the producers, consumers, investors, and larger community—are rewarded for their work. 

These start-ups are few and far in between, but our years of experience has proven that a curated and focused selection of ventures greatly enhances success for the entire community. Such ventures will be nourished with the capital, technical expertise, brand positioning, and strategy to further maximize the chance of profitability thanks to DHVH Holding’s diverse, cross disciplinary team with deep expertise in technology and business. Each of DHVH venture teams in turn nourishes the larger ecosystem of DHVH investments by bringing in their complementary set of investments and skills.

We’re more than just a venture capital firm. We are with you from start to finish. We are a true incubator for revolutionary ideas.